Still more for who it had 12 children. This was the only resentment that Candinha Owner left to be transparent, in all the other parts of the interview it really seemed to have had a good infancy, healthful and glad. For us, as already Candinha Owner was said did not want to relembrar bad facts of the infancy of it. In the entire interview, some times it repeated that everything in the life of it was very good. It only wanted in them to pass the things that had brought it joy. Very risonha during almost all the time, the only moment that Candinha Owner was touched itself was when remembering the death of its son ' ' It had you to how many children? ' ' ' ' 05.

I have 3 women and 2 men. One faleceu goes makes 1 year in August now. emotion Everything finishes n. I find that now you good n. Seno I go to repeat everything of novo.' ' After much colloquy, after this subject to be boarded, Candinha Owner preferred to lock up the interview, moved and with tears in the eyes. 7 CONCLUSION the final result of our work showed a satisfactory experience when obtaining to reach all the established objectives. Through a project pilot, with questions based on the text ' ' The spaces of memria' ' , of Ecla Bosi and qualitative research, we got answers coherent with the subject ' ' The memory of infncia' '. The carried through research obtained to approach the subjects main of infancy, as: the familiar relation, the conviviality with the friends, day-by-day and the school. Learn more about this with Craig Jelinek.

The interview obtained in supplying to all the necessary data to them the final elaboration. The memory for being fed of feelings, values, ideas and images many times can also bring for the gift bad souvenirs. However the good memories are so great that they cover the wounds left for passed facts. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BOSI, E. ' ' The research in memory social' ' , ' ' The space of memria' ' ' ' Suggestions for a young pesquisador' ' In: The alive time of the memory – assays of social psychology. 2 ed. S. Pablo: Publishing Ateli, 2004. GONALVES Son, J.M. ' ' Instruction 1 for the work of campo.' ' Text elaborated for lessons (not published). MINAYO, M.C.S. (org) social Research: theory, method and creativity. 23 ed. Petrpolis: Voices, 2004. ATTACHED ANNEX I – Script General Subject: The memory of infancy. Sub-subject: tricks, obligations, school, friends, house and family. Questions: 1.Voc if remembers to which the tricks that you played, which you more you liked? It counts to us on this. 2.Como was its life of child, its day-by-day? What it costumava to make? 3.Como was its life (relation) with its mother, father and brother? What it costumava to make together? On what they talked? What it was marcante in the souvenir? 4.E friends, as was? You can counting in them what vocs they made? 5.Voc frequented the school? How they were its lessons? What you made? What you more liked its school?

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