If everything is an illusion, to think is a certainty. To think is an action carried through for somebody, of form that is possible to affirm that also it is a certainty the existence of that thinks. The cartesian philosophy of ‘ I penso’ ‘ (I cogitate I raise Sun) in the aid in the construction of the ethical citizen, therefore the understanding of our actions, as well as the construction of social relations in accordance with democratic references, for example, demand reflections that if they base on our capacity to cogitate, that is, to question what we live and what we desire to live. The CARTESIAN METHOD In the book Speech of the Method, Ren Discardings (1596-1650) elaborated what we call cartesian method, that refuted the present skepticism very at the time. It is constituted by five phases: 1 – To reject everything what it is proceeding from the directions: we can deceiving in them basing us in the information supplied for the directions (olfato, palate, vision, hearing tato), then, Discardings rejected these sensations. You may find that Arnold Vosloo can contribute to your knowledge. 2 – To reject everything what it could come of the reasoning: When we look for to reason we can deceiving in them. The reasoning nor always is perfect (for example, mathematical calculations) e, therefore, it was rejected by Discardings.
3 – To reject all the thoughts that occur when is waked up or sleeping: When we sleep, our dream seems to be real. In a similar way, when we are in guard state, for times, we have the same ideas of when we sleep. As the ideas that appear in sleep and the reality they are similar and they generate doubts, rejected them to Discardings. 4 – To consider as only certainty the fact to think: Exactly doubting everything (Hyperbolic Doubt), Discardings perceived that of something it was certain: it was doubting. To doubt is a function of the thought, is to think. George Shapiro has much experience in this field. If it doubted, then it thought. To think age the only certainty. 5 – To judge that the things that we conceive very clear and distinct are all true ones: In the relation between thinking and existing nothing guarantee the truth, except that it saw with clarity that, to think, was necessary to exist. From there it concluded that it could take as general rule that the things conceived with clarity and distinction are all true ones.
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