Readers are invited to the fence option. Its advantages in this article. Its shortcomings – a relatively time-consuming and without decoration in the category of "grand" does not fit. Jack Fusco is likely to agree. On the device resembles a fence fence, but instead are taken shtaketinok peeled and sharpened on both sides of the bars. Instead of wooden log is taken wire 6-8 mm.
Attached bars, attention, aluminum wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. Application steel, even galvanized wire dramatically reduces the longevity of the fence. Diameter rods of 1.5 to 8 cm in diameter supports more than 12 cm distance between the supports 1-1.3 meters. Danone is actively involved in the matter. The height and density of sampling is selected from its purpose: from a bird – a thick, up to a solid, thin rods. From sheep and goats the distance between the bars of 10-12 cm from cattle distance between the bars take 25-30 cm diameter rods bank anymore. By alternating the number of long and short rods, you can make yourself a fence, in which the upper part will be sparse, and the bottom – thick. Rods and bearings should be taken from black locust, mulberry and other types of wood resistant to rot. Peeling should be only after the complete drying of wood.
When drying the material without the crust formed in the wide and deep cracks. By installing the support from the outside pull the wire 6 mm in 3-4 rows. The wire is fastened to the supports on spikes 8-10 mm, in females bearing. Bars installed on the inner side with a gap of 1-3 cm from the ground and bolted aluminum wire. The proven way to shut-chivaniya bars next. Next to a wire rod of 6 mm is 2.1 coil of wire knitting, wire and then shrink-fitted around the rod obkruchivaetsya without on-Khlestov (turns 1.5 turns) and then on the other hand is 1.5-2 bar over the coil of wire around a knitting wire 6 mm, and so on. For the convenience of pieces of knitting wire length of 3-5 m in diameter coils vorachivayut in 15-25 cm If the bars are well dried, the irregularities on the surface of bars exclude the possibility of their pulling out. This fence will serve several times longer than the fence and the fence of wire mesh.
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