One perceives that each time more, the people have difficulty in speaking and to live deeply the death, the rituals of I fight are being segregated to the CTI? s of hospitals, organized of form to become the contact with the deceased (and the death) most painless possible. The society of consumption tries to give to the death? extending the taboo involves that it? a new more ascetic and acceptable packing, looking for to skirt its impact, to brighten up its meaning, to reduce the upheavals that can cause. But the death and the ritual of it I fight that it follows itself is permanently gifts in our daily one, therefore life and death cannot be separate. One of the first psychologists to deal with the question of it I fight in currently coordinating Brazil and of the Laboratory of Studies and Interventions On Luto of PUC/SP and member of the Institute Four Stations? Institute of Psychology, Maria Frank Helena Bromberg affirms, in a referring article to the subject, that: ' ' Everything what we live fits in one definitive time and with the death it is finished possibility to continue to exist, the least in this form that we know. The modern man, come back toward the production and the consumption, values making and having more than what the being. the death eliminates isso' ' (2004). The advance of science and the tecnicismo had made with that a culture of negation of the death grew in the world contemporary: observing history, we perceive that this taboo was if constituting in elapsing of last the eight centuries and, more aceleradamente, from the Renaissance and of the Industrial Revolution. The death as public and collective solemnity goes if transforming into the closed death of somebody and isolated thing in the CTI of a hospital, ' ' deixando' ' of being social responsibility and passing this to the hands of the nursing professional, that many times badly is interpreted in its action and still it has that to remain itself ahead neutral of the imminence of the death, what it causes great posterior accumulation of tensions and emotional and psychological damages for the same.

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