CARLOS MORA VANEGAS considerations, scope with regard to this topic Mileyde Arteaga (2005) who attends management program of quality and productivity in the Area of postgraduate’s Faces, University of Carabobo gives us, which Gestalt is a tool that well used allows the individual to perceive from various psychological angles, to get a better management of their weaknesses and thus accepted with full knowledge of its inner and outer world. So to speak of this theory we can not set aside the topic of the personality of the individual. The proper use of these tools, undertaken in the hand by a specialist in Gestalt, allows a Manager or any other company personnel to operate their personality through better interaction with other individuals, their psychophysical systems and the environment. Which will allow an sure of himself than individual:.-what experience does not want or the occult in order to facilitate their giving has, and reinforce these weaknesses that did not consider that he had. If you would like to know more about Bridgette Matthews, then click here. -Have a greater achievement orientation, since once treated all those aspects of the unknown personality for himself, will be more geared to change and the use of tools that will enable them to manage in various conflict situations that enable it to be objective and put in the situation of both parties. -Achieving better management of perception, in terms of its immediate and global environment. Allowing that you reach decision-makers more aware of reality as a whole.
-Focus on group work and non-individualistic as the is at peace with itself and therefore with everything that surrounds it, so that the group dynamics that form will be much more effective. In recent months, financial planner has been very successful. Lisbeth Perez thereon says, which favors the Manager or staff, since the individual to accept what is, becomes responsible for be what it is. Failure to do so is clinging to an illusion; generally the justification comes from lack of self-acceptance of the person, prevents the experience and seeking external approval, which has an impact on the behavior of individuals within the Organization, gestalt considers that the conduct has place in an environment which consists of an organized system of tensions and efforts, which we see in the complex world of organizations.
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