First it was a fight by strategic gold and other minerals. Later, it was by petroleum (black gold). And now, by the water (blue gold). The future wars will take place in central Asia and in other places where those resources continue being abundant and the too weak governments to protect them, it affirms Michael Klare, analyst of the strategic doctrine of the USA. But their more urgent effects already are let feel in the Middle East: the Jordn, that wants to control the Israelis, and the Euphrates and Tigris where the USA maintains a war for five years to control the Middle East.
Klare, professor of the University of Hampshire, notices that not only the USA is immersed in those conflicts, but all the regional powers develop plans to increase their access to vital resources for the next generation. Thus it explains in his book Wars by the resources: The new landscape of world-wide conflicts. Since the end of World War II until 1990, the primary target of the North American strategy consisted of maintaining world-wide system of alliances able to contain and, if it were necessary, to defeat to the Soviet Union. With the purpose of it cold war, the question of the resources reclaimed its central paper in the military planning. An important signal of that change is the increase of joint military exercises of the USA with armies of rich centroasiticos countries in petroleum or natural gas, like Kazajistn, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Without forgetting the aim established on the Ukraine and other countries the old USSR, using as NATO like ram in the new strategic concert that it tries to do without old Russia, conflict of the maximum present time. The reason of those exercises is not only to fortify the armies of those countries and to support its more powerful neighbor independence, like Russia, China and Iran, but also to affirm the military presence of the USA in a region that keeps a fifth part from verified the world-wide petroleum reserves.
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