E, recently, in next March passed the same senator came back to defend the creation of importantssima so folder, not to say indispensable, to the preservation of the biggest tropical forest of the planet. Valley to detach that this is one longed for dream of the amaznidas ones, at least has thirty years. During the period of exception, then the representative paraense Lcia Daltro Fisheries presented to the National Congress the Project of Law 1213/1979, of 12/05/79, making use on the creation of the Ministry of the Amaznia. in the following year, 1980, would present the Proposal of Delegao Legislativa (PDL) 4/1980, of 14/08/1980, considering to the president of the Republic law elaboration making use on the creation of the related ministerial folder. The operating parliamentarian participated of Inter-ministerial commission of the Legal Amaznia and continues lulling to sleep its amaznida dream of, now followed for the parliament of the region, in a conjunction of efforts in this direction. The lack of directed public politics to the region is one of the arguments of that they claim for the creation of this ministry, searching the solution for the deriving attacks of all the part of the planet, including the toxic threat our sovereignty comings of countries that they poluem with its countless and constant chimneys, emitting pollutant and gases that damage the environment and the layer of ozone, and that exactly thus in they accuse with not knowing to take care of of ours forest. It is indispensable that those that lead this project and those that will start to integrate are deloused it of the vanity and egoism for the paternity of the project, having made to take advantage the public spirit, come back to the gifts and future generations, whose resulted is the preservation of the region. But, while the dream is not accomplished, the Amaznia continues to bleed..
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