system of VAT refund on purchases made by foreign nationals. Tax Free Return is possible only after you leave the country on whose territory was purchased item. The percentage of the VAT refund depends on the rules of each country and can reach up to 20% of the total. Also, each country has their own set the minimum purchase price, which can be refunded. Return to Tax Free have the right to foreigners: in the territory of the country, where purchased goods are not more than 3 months without a residence permit in a country where the purchase is made, do not have the right to work in the country of purchase, non-refugees in a country where of purchase, non-EU citizens if the goods are purchased in the European Union How to make a return Dachshund Free Conditionally process the return Dachshund Free can be divided into several stages: 1. Direct purchase of goods. It needs to be done in the shop, working on Free taxi system. Learn more at this site: Costco. About this may indicate a sign at the entrance (Global Refund or Tax Free) or just ask a consultant at the store.

After the purchase is necessary to issue the cashier's checks Tax Free. You'll need a passport. 2. Leave the country, where purchase. Before passing through customs control zone must be in a special paragraph Tax Free put printing on checks. To do this you will need their own checks, passport and you may be asked to show the purchase of not uncompressed form, even in a sealed package in the store. If the purchase is made within the EU, the checks are stamped into the country through which you move outside the Schengen area.

3. Getting the VAT. After passing through customs control you can immediately return to the Tax Free Duty Free zone in the special section. If for any reason you do not get it done, then a refund can Dachshund Free on arrival in their home country in one of the offices of Global Refund (details on website ( or a bank account by sending a Global Refund checks are filled with your banking details.

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