Russian doctors are among the "strengths" in the world. Meanwhile, in the world do not know that free medicine in Russia does not exist anymore, that the treatment of patients in our country is markedly different from European. Defenseless old "kick" from office to office, not to help, and such cases a thousand. Noticeable difference between a failure, what can be treated abroad and what it is in Russia. Going to the clinic, in addition we policy of compulsory medical insurance, should take a pass at 6 am and a great place to defend, or give money to "paw" doctor. Working for one of the most popular forums, I made the theme: "Doctors treat or maimed?". What and expected, the topic attracted over 100 responses, people told their real, horrific stories of the experience of communicating with doctors.
Certain MASHA M. wrote: "I came to the city dental clinic free of charge, to prof. examination. The highest category doctor examined (!!!) mouth said that "shesterochke" (native tooth) has a problem (which I do not remember exactly), or to pull to treat the cost of procedures – 2700 rubles. I chose the 'cure' and immediately pay 500 rubles. Later, for the sake of interest signed up for a free prof. inspection of a commercial dental clinic. Imagine my surprise when I was told to do only hygienically clean for 1,100 rubles.
Agree There is a difference in 2700 or 1100 rubles. And then they say that in public health centers more profitable to treat your teeth? ". Treatment abroad is just devoid of such shortcomings, because doctors do not have to chase after and fight for wages client. To understand this sad, but many are already familiar story, you can only do two things: 1 – Or, the doctor absolutely higher qualification does not understand and want to treat healthy tooth or two – I wanted to earn extra money on normal hygienic cleansing. Yet another story, I stumbled across on the Internet: "The whole Mytishchi district, Cardiac surgical ICU with 16 seats is the only regional hospital. And our 85-year-old grandmother, we have buried, because when brought more young patient, it disconnected from the apparatus, and transferred to an ordinary ward. SO FOR THREE TIMES A WEEK (!!!). In the wards, by the way, too, there is no space, my grandmother died in the hallway. Doctors sit separately from patients and relatives are worn by separation in their quest, if someone needs help. A 14 HOURS DOCTORS go home till morning in the office is only one nurse. Patients were no reports that it is bad move, and they will go to the toilet and injections. – Grekova O., Mytishchi, April 2007. "Such cases are VERY much, go to a local hospital and see for yourself! Almost everywhere violated medical ethics, delayed the provision of necessary medical assistance and so on. With respect to premises, anywhere violated sanitary epidemic rules and other rules. Before we go into the municipal clinic remember these two stories, and think, maybe it's worth overpaying in private, but to get help on a decent level?? Or, if there is room for, go, for example, for medical treatment in Germany.
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