In recent years, Russia's position has changed with respect to such industries as information technology (IT), which is capable of carrying earnings comparable to the revenues from oil and gas. If we consider the growth trends different markets, the it market against others is the most promising and fastest growing, though there are only a few decades. However, foreign counterparts ahead of the Russian it market to move. This is because in Russia still lacks standards, flawed legislation with this area and many other reasons. Increased competition in all sectors of the market forces as a possible target installations of the company consider the globalization of its activities. The essence of solving the problem is to increase the efficiency of the Russian it companies on the basis of interaction with foreign colleagues.
In the context of study considered the direction of exports of it services to improve the performance of the company. Outsourcing (outsourcing) as a process of transferring part of business processes or all of the business process an external service provider on a contractual basis, is today an essential part of business strategy of most large companies. Considering the export of services, it is necessary to focus on foreign companies working on outsourcing. If the outsourcing services provided by a foreign company, which is located in a country with low labor cost, then such a service is called offshore outsourcing (offshore outsourcing). In general, offshore outsourcing is not new. International division of labor in countries with open economies and formerly led to the transfer of surplus value creation chain in the country with lower labor costs (A.
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