Many are the elements that can explain the genesis of social representations. However, neither all have the same importance. Some are essential and others secondary. It is, therefore, important to know, understand, and act in the field of social representation, respecting your organization wants to say, the hierarchy of the elements that constitute it and the relationships these elements, angostamente, among themselves. (Fabric, 2003, p. 60-61). by AC MONOGRAPH and help DIDATICA from among the elements that deserve more clarifications, highlighted two processes sociocognitive acting, dialectically, in the formation of social representations: the objectification and the anchor, and their splits as the downtown core and the peripheral system.
Objectification may be defined as the transformation of an idea, a concept, or an opinion on something concrete. It crystallizes from a figurative and social process and happens to be the downtown core of a particular representation, then evoked, concretized and disseminated and you are outside the real of those who express it. Digital cameras often says this. Many authors recognize that the downtown core constitutes the essential element of representation, not limited to a generic role, and that the attribution of essential characteristic, granted to the downtown core, relies on the fact of being the element that determines the meaning of representation and at the same time, contributes to its internal organization. It is necessary to reiterate that the downtown core, for its part, is determined by the nature of the object and the system of values and social norms that constitute the ideological context of the group. Yet, is in the area of the downtown core that social representations can crystallise, solidify and stabilize from the linking of ideas, messages of homogenization reificadas, which are mediated by specific actions and, basically, resistant the changes. By way of illustration, we accompany the following story. In research conducted by Dagmar Zibas and daughter-in-law Krawczyk in one public school in the State of Ceara, a stretch of interview made with the school principal, concerned with the commitment of the workers in what refers to the fulfillment of work schedules, register operators have to work six hours live the worker came and said I only work half an hourdo, I know produce in half an hour I said no Lady and she said owner which is yours? This is not mine, nor is yours, it is public, I do not know why so much demand you is damaged.
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