Companies work so that the reference manuals contain the maximum of possible knowledge concerning the modules a time that these are disponibilizados to the customers. David A. Wagner has many thoughts on the issue. 4.3. Activities and Process the great majority of the companies uses of standardized process for the development of software and support technician, however the documentation is not classified, grouped and shared, what it makes it difficult maintenance of the systems and the agility in the attendance to the customers. The knowledge technician of software, programming language and its implantation is concentrated in ' ' cabea' ' of the professionals, therefore a knowledge not registered. It is clearly that the asset of the company is based on the ability of its collaborators, also, of the partner-proprietors and, consequentemente, in a knowledge that is not spread the organizacional level, but individual. Some isolated attempts of some collaborators in registering software and modules technical exist, but this does not apply the company as a whole.

It has documentation of what each one finds excellent to its work, but does not have standardization. 4.4. Identified necessities the maiorias of the companies of YOU see feeling necessity and the importance to improve, to manage and to transform the individual knowledge of its employees into collective knowledge of the organization, of form to make possible greaters and better innovations to its products, services and processes. 5. BENEFITS OF the MANAGEMENT OF the KNOWLEDGE Understand that any company, independently of its transport or sector, develops and possesss a knowledge supply. In the case of companies of technology of the information, the quantity of knowledge accumulated in projects of software development and its operation can be cited and maintenance. Following this reasoning, organizacional knowledge is implicit in the sphere where the organization if develops as economic agent, that is, in the intangible assets that support its activity, as the internal processes, for example; in the human assets that are its capacity of production, where these transform objectives into results; in the agreement of the relations with customers and suppliers.

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