European size 04/07 (Equivalent to American size 4 1 / 2, 4 5 / 8, 4, 6 / 8, 4 7 / 8) – for men. Professionals recommend to choose the maximum size of the pens with which you are comfortable to play. The third – to determine the size of the "head" of a racket. The dimensions are divided into five groups: 'Standard' – 426 square meters. cm (traditional wooden rackets), 'MidSize' – 452 – 574 square meters. cm (provides better control of stroke used in the game since the summer of strikes against the strong opponents), 'MidPlus' – 580 – 677 square meters. cm (the most popular today, as it provides optimum ratio trajectory control and power stroke), 'OverSize' – 710 – 742 square meters. cm (for the game on the back of the line, effectively tightening and cutting of the ball), 'Super OverSize' – 748 – 871 square meters.

cm (rackets with the largest area of the head, see OverSize). Large size of the "head" allows you to give the ball more speed, better damping vibrations. Fourth – choose the length of a tennis racket. Currently, there are plenty of models of bats of different lengths. It should, however, remember that in the official competition rules prohibit the use of tennis rackets than 32 inches (80 cm). International Tennis Association also recommends that the bats did not play longer than 29 inches (about 74 cm). Especially to get involved in the increased length of racket is not: despite the fact that it produces a more powerful strikes, maneuver it when it is lower than that of shorter rackets. Fifth – the weight of a tennis racket.

The average weight of about 325 grams. Modern producers seek to reduce the weight of a racket. Reduce its possible through the use of new materials and by reducing the thickness of the rim of a racket. The thickness of the rim can vary from 18 to 30 mm. Rackets with a wider rim make a beat stronger, have better torsional stability, less susceptible to vibration, but is less maneuverable. Lightweight racket for tennis makes it easier to swing, but the impact should invest more. Sixth – the balance of a racket. Racket can be balanced, centered, or have a balance or "head", or in the pen. Rackets with a balance of "head" seem more severe, they give greater power to impact. Rackets with the balance in the "handle" intended primarily for players using a variety of techniques. Most modern racquet balanced in the center, although they may be a slight imbalance in one of the parties is not significant. Finally, selecting the racket for tennis, do not forget about that move on the court quickly and accurately you can in a well-matched tennis sneakers. And to achieve maximum comfort, use a specialized form of tennis. Good luck! Tasha Interest

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