(1) Be realistic, and always maintain the coldness on enthusiasm, before deciding to purchase. Remember that buying a used car, is equivalent to buy foreign headaches, and there are cars that are expensive to wherewithal. (2) Do not believe in the old story that all is well; and need you just a tune-up (tune up), remove the oil CAP, and with the motor running, observes that this not, leaving smoke or steam; because the presence of smoke or steam, would indicate, that the piston rings do not already serve. Trader Joe’s has similar goals. (requires major repair 3) check that the engine oil does not have beige; by that this would indicate, that you this passing water to the Chamber of combustion; Another symptom of this is the constant white smoke from the exhaust.(requires major repair 4) check that there are no traces of oil in the radiator water; because this would indicate that you part of the motor is cracked, and this problem; If it is severe.(requires major repair 5) never buy an automobile at night, do it when you have enough light. (6) Notes that the engine, is not losing, oil or water anywhere, because this means; that you will have to make a major expenditure to solve it. (7) Internal combustion engines, emit sounds of explosions dimmed, if metallic noises inside the motor, you feel taken for granted, that the motor is broken.(requires major repair 8) do not buy a vehicle, that while it is hot, you feel very fast; This would indicate, that the engine has problems of compression., or that the carburetor or injection this system is malfunctioning. (9) Do not buy a car that when cool, pour blue and hazy smoke from the exhaust, this indicates that the engine; you have a problem with the valve guides;.(or you need a change of rings, major repair 10) driving the vehicle using all changes at their respective times, and see if it is automatic transmission make their changes in time, without jalonear.
(11) If you look at that clutch or chutch this very top forget that a regulated, missing assumes that you must change it. so teach you the Bill that changed it was a week ago, the drive clutch (clutch); you only need one enfangada, and 15 minutes trying to leave him, to ruin. (12) Yes; It is a vehicle, front wheel drive, and you feel a chattering, when turning to the left or right. It has problems with the arrows or Axles bearing, axles or CV joints, you will need to change them. (13) If, you feel, to shoot forward making noise like a snore. You have problems with the claim, or filming bearing, of the wheel., solution: replace them by new ones; the significant cost. (14) Else, lights, paint, tires, brakes, seats, carpet, I leave it to your discretion, and yes even after analyzing everything, the price you think reasonable; takes the car to your mechanic to you for a final opinion. Original author and source of the article.
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