Saber beyond the arrogance university professor of a ring of formation in the finger, dumb the position of the Human being that if studies and if knows, not to be in the porch of the Divine Wisdom. Everything is moved and concurred to widen the All Universal one and also the human universe cannot be inactive. If this occurred would be the end of everything. All the Astros Dove mine, that you walk for the cracks of cliffs, in the hiding place of the scarped rocks, shows the face to me, you make to hear me your voice, because your voice is candy, and your face, amiable. Cntico of the Cnticos de Salomo, CAP. 2:14. The Astros Espalham its tracks For where they pass and they go creating. Its energies Increase the families Who in the Universes Generate the holy ghosts verses Of loving generation Without hand aid. If you have read about Dollar General already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The essence spiritual Livens up the gradual space Where it coexists Each species of Being after all. Everything in the Life is creation, Therefore it is the sustentation Of all the things. The common man does not only perceive That God measures to it For the Spirit, and not for its shout That is the thought.

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