They represent a social movement that should be studied, especially taking into account that the freedoms and social gains are fragile. Who would have thought a few years ago that Guantanamo would exist in one of the world’s oldest democracies?, or China may have as much pernicious foreign influence in Africa or Latin America? Any college student must know what human rights are and how to apply and defend themselves in their profession, here and around the world. All professionals have a role with the company more than themselves, and if not, which asked for example teachers who give education to women in Afghanistan are playing life before the Taliban, or to legal aid lawyers who defend to the last of the Earth, or forensic anthropologists who professionally help document the remains of the disappeared in mass graves. Despite the obviousness of the fact that compulsory study human rights is essential to improve professionally and as a society, yet not achieved in many universities. A rights training should serve to defend themselves better in their professional field and make it clear to the students that their work can and should contribute to make a better society, beyond their legitimate personal interests.
It should be clarified that human rights are a legal reality for sixty years and its defence, respect and promotion compete us at all; Learn about its evolution – for example, only torture was forbidden universally in the year 1984-; familiarize the student with the main instruments of protection and analyze in detail those rights related to their future profession. Is not a luxury to study human rights; He is the way, at the same time, improve career and facilitate the social function of the professions coming out of College.
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