Photovoltaic complete provider supports at the pre-selected Berlin Zoo FRANKFURT/BERLIN the Director of the Berlin Zoo, Dr. Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Gabriele Thone, commercial Director of the animal park, Axel Berger, Director opened the new photovoltaic plant on the Dickhauterhaus of the Berlin Zoo marketing and Karl-Ulrich Kalex, Sales Director of photovoltaics at the SGBDD, solemnly. Part of its roof, the Dickhauterhaus received a solar power system with photovoltaic modules of the company SOLAR purchase to cover a part of the energy needs of the animal park with sustainably produced electricity. SOLAR purchase is a trademark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH (SGBDD) headquartered in Frankfurt am Main. The built in 1989 Dickhauterhaus was equipped with a total 239 solar modules of the brand Shirin and inverters from the House of SMA. These are divided in two Photovoltaikanlgen. The luxra modules are the powerful brand spectrum of SGBDD. The annual income of the 59,66 kWp photovoltaic systems is around 55,000 kWh, which almost 14 four-person households for twelve months with environmentally friendly power supply can.
Living in the Dickhauterhaus including Asian and Indian elephants, manatees, and rhinos, which have a higher need for energy. A part of the needed power will in the future CO neutral related, although not the entire requirement can be met. The keeping of tropical animals is very energy-intensive in our latitudes. In particular the temperature control plays”a very important role, explains Andreas Adloff, technical manager of the animal park. To meet these energy requirements, the new photovoltaic system is a fundamental building block, to give the animals a homelike feeling. Sustainability plays a large role in the Berlin Zoo. We therefore very pleased that on this project our modules chosen”, Karl-Ulrich Kalex emphasizes the commitment.
In the course of sustainable renovation SOLAR purchase installed two displays in the entrance area of the pachyderm House in the summer of 2012, to visitors about the generated power and the CO to inform m saving. The roof of the Berlin animal park was financed by special funds from the GDR party assets. The sums are used for cultural and infrastructure measures in the East of the Republic. Tierpark located in the District of Berlin-Lichtenberg is one of two zoos in Berlin. It was created in 1955 in the former eastern part of the city. The solar roof Potsdam GmbH has installed the photovoltaic system on the roof of the pachyderm House at the Zoo. The experienced general contractor installed photovoltaic systems on single family homes to large projects. The special feature of this project was that we could move not only on the grounds that the animals should not be disturbed by the construction. Also needed we a larger vehicle crane for the installation, because the modules via the outdoor area on the roof had to be lifted”so Denis Damaschke, owner of solar roof Potsdam GmbH. About SOLAR purchase SOLAR purchase is a trademark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, the leading construction dealers in Germany. In around 60 exhibitions the solar specialists rely on photovoltaic to touch in its own shop from the inverter module to Accessories. SOLAR purchase is exclusive distributor of the price-attractive brand luxra, a complete system for solar power generation. In addition, SOLAR purchase has a nationwide network of investors, ensuring a quick and professional installation of photovoltaic systems. Get more information at
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