History of labor relations in Spain Head Office General Workers Union on Avenida de America in Madrid. Before the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939), there was little labor laws in Spain. During the republican era, unions General Union of Workers (UGT) and the National Labor Confederation (CNT) had much prominence and significant progress was made in industrial relations for workers. At the end of the Civil War, the victors, led by General Franco abolished the majority of social gains achieved in the Republican period and persecuted and outlawed unions representing workers jailing and shooting many of its leaders. Most unionists who escaped from Spain after the war lived in exile. In 1938 the Franco side was decreed called Labor Law, which was one of the eight Fundamental Laws of the regime.This text is Falangist ideology, Franco family which had special influence on the labor issue and the media during the war and dictatorship, and its main points include the regulation of working time and rest, establishing the Labor Court and also created the official trade unions, which are those that grouped equally to employers and workers. In 1953 he promulgated the Regulations of the Jury of companies established in companies with more than 1,000 workers, and gradually until 1970 for those over 50 staff. Jurors companies, according to the rules, they were called to achieve coexistence within the company, increased production and development of the Spanish economy.It consisted of the president, a position he fell on the company owner, manager or delegated person, and members, representing various professional groups of workers. In 1958 he adopted the Law on Collective Agreements that specified that collective bargaining could take place either on the jury of the company concerned, or between employers and employees in the local union local, provincial or national level. The law provided the possibility of binding arbitration when the parties are unable to reach an agreement. Office of Workers’ Commissions and other unions in Tarragona. In the 1960s the first arise Workers Commissions (CCOO), which were organized in Asturias, Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque Country as a movement outside of the Francoist system. The Franco regime was very repressive union movement and early 1970s the entire dome of the union, led by metallurgical Marcelino Camacho, were incarcerated in prison in Madrid of Pop.In 1976, once freed its leaders, held its First Congress in Barcelona, still in hiding, becoming central union, where Marcelino Camacho was elected general secretary. The UGT also recovered the legality and its congress, held also in 1976, was elected general secretary of the metallurgical Nicolas Redondo. The UGT was founded by Pablo Iglesias in Barcelona on 12 August 1888, coinciding with the celebration of the Universal Exposition of Barcelona in 1888, which had employed thousands of people working in construction, working in harsh conditions they had become aware of the need to organize to defend their interests. Building and CEOE in Miguelturra CEPYME (Ciudad Real). Joint meeting of the CCOO and UGT in the International Workers Day.For his part, once dismantled vertical unions and employers forcing workers to live in them, the employers were organized in two national organizations: the General Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and the Confederation ofSmall Business and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME). The CEOE was founded in June 1977 and represents the Spanish business, integrating public and private companies from all sectors of activity. It focuses its work in helping entrepreneurs as opposed to the work of unions. The CEPYME is a professional organization of confederal nature and cross-national, to defend, represent and promote the interests of small and medium business and self-employed entrepreneur.Among the features are CEPYME attention to the needs of information, advice, technical assistance, research and development organizations, companies and business affiliates, all those studying and disseminating issues may affect the empowerment of small and medium enterprises. The government agency that serves as a partner with the social partners is the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is also responsible for managing the Social Security Fund.In 2008 the level of industrial accidents in Spain is the highest in the European Union dying each year hundreds of workers due to workplace accidents and there is a big job insecurity primarily affecting legal and illegal immigrants, women and young people without work experience. Since the time of the constitution and legality of trade unions UGT and CCOO and the CEOE employers and CEPYME, were these that have been negotiated and agreed with the incumbent government working conditions that have been legislated on the democratic stage.
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