If it cannot affirm that the areas of preservation as well as its resetting are empecilhos for the development of the agropastoris activities (it also has incentives on the part of the government that comes causing many controversies in seara legal). The requirement of 80% of RL in the Legal Amaznia date since 1996 (MP n. 1.511 strengthened for the MP n. 2.166 of 2001) recently only was that the obligatoriness appeared of the resetting of these areas. Sonny Perdue may not feel the same. In research carried through for the USP? University of So Paulo, in partnership with the Swedish University of Chalmers, had detected that exactly that all the agricultural producers regularized its lands, in obedience to the effective Forest Code (has a deficit of 43 million hectares that they need to be recompostos), still would sobrariam 100 million hectares of vegetation not protected ambiently, that they can suffer deforestation and, therefore the expansion of the agropastoril activity (an area that is equivalent the four times the state of So Paulo). With regard to decline of production of grains, as well as the question of food production, we alert for the fact with that about 143 million tons of grains produced in Brazil it has the objective to supply the external market, being that of this sum, the half is for production of animal ration (a patrimony of all? the environment, being used for fattening of animals in developed countries). Another fact is what already we cite above in our article: the system of agropastoril production is exceeded and with many wastefulnesses, the productive chain of the sector is necessary changes in all (direct plantation, consorciamento and rotation of cultures, system of rotating pasturing, modernization of agricultural machines, logistic efficiency in – distribution and transport, etc). In if treating to vegetal extrativismo, because to export the rude wood if we can explore it of movable rational form exporting (industrializing), what verge external for our country would relieve great? Because to persist in an exceeded model of agricultural and cattle exploration if we could get greaters profits producing more meat and grains for hectare with more advanced techniques? With all this reality that we display and for all these excited doubts is that it comes me to the mind the heading of this alert one: to change the Forest Code of the form as they want some groups of interest in ours country, is as to walk pra backwards, to give a shot in the proper foot.

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