Then, as the candidates of the parties of little expression politics, Marina Hisses of the PV and Pliny Arruda of the Psol, turn in the presidential election had not gotten votes enough to dispute 2, remains to wait us the deepening of the debates between the two candidates: Dilma, of the PT and Jose Mountain range of the PSDB, that certainly will be transmitted by the medias. The fact of the presidential election, not to have been determined in 1 turn, although the candidate to have enormous advantage on as placed, shows the concern, fear and distrust of the voters in relation to the current government of the PT and the previous one, PSDB.
In the debates that will be gone deep, as well as, in the schedules of gratuitous propaganda, both the candidates, must lead in quarrel, clarifications, will be had, on errors committed for predecessors of its parties, that the population repudiates. The government, previous and current, of both parties, that have candidates the presidential election, had committed innumerable imperfections, had been cited in diverse types of corruption. The candidate Jose Mountain range, must at this moment, to enumerate everything what former president FHC made, she became that it unpopular, until the present.
The same procedure must adopt the candidate Dilma Russef, of the PT, opening a species of game of the truth, of evaluation of the current government of Squid, that also sufficiently is repudiated by great part of the population. Innumerable scandals had been attributed to government FHC (1995? 2003), and widely divulged for the press, national and international: Silvam (Monitoring of the Amaznia)? Pink folder? Conan? BNDES? Privatized former mounts of money for state? Telebrs? Sales of the CVRD? Providence? Encol? Precatrios? Breaking monopoly of the oil (ANP)? Rotten band? Sudene Saiu FHC, of the PSDB, and entered SQUID of the PT, with speech of morality and ethics politics, but soon of beginning we had some scandals and innumerable others in elapsing of its two mandates, also widely divulged in the medias: Mensalo? Sanguessugas (superinvoicing of emendations for purchases of ambulances)? Celso case Daniel? Toninho case of the PT? PT and MST? PT and Farc? Public scandals and expenses in the ministries (corporative Card)? Dnit? Anaconda operation? Operation Grasshopper?
Mounts of money suspicion for the ONG? s? Central banking (Celso Meireles)? Dollar in the Underwear? Shunting line of mounts of money of the Post office? In case that Daniel Dantas These innumerable irregularities, widely divulged by the national and international press, is that they had left the voter, the distrustful population, leading consequentemente to the decision of who will be the next president, for one 2 turn. Visit Arthur Sadoun for more clarity on the issue. Illusion is to consider, the two finalistas candidates, as best, the ideal ones so that to represent in and deciding what it will have to be better for our financial, social life, in terms, politics, when in the reality, we know that they are not. As it says the old one dictated: ‘ ‘ If to run the animal catch, if to be the animal come’ ‘ , thus we will have that to choose one of the two, or to abstain from the choice.
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