The pupils, the parents, the professors and the directors who are actively involved in the daily work to include pupils with important deficiencies, represent a powerful cultural force for the renewal of escola’ ‘ (STAIN BACK, 1999, P. 49 apud HISSES, 2008, P. 26). According to text presents, the work in team is basic ‘ ‘ so that the process of inclusion of special pupils if efetive’ ‘ (It hisses, 2008, P. 26). A related site: Craig Jelinek mentions similar findings. From there the importance to carry through qualification courses that benefit to the learning of all the pupils. However, art.
18 of the law n 10,09 vicutada previously, ‘ ‘ sociais’ guarantees the responsibility of the public power on the rights of each citizen to the free access in the spaces; ‘ (BLACKSMITH, 2008, P. 45). When the professor it starts to understand the necessity of a qualification adjusted for the teach-learning of special pupils, as the deaf people, it goes in search of this perfectioning, either through recycling course, or adjusting the lesson plan the new pertaining to school reality (IT HISSES, 2008). The professors also must help by means of its personal experiences, looking for to be interested itself for what they call ‘ ‘ diferente’ ‘ , of form that the teach-learning involves to all: pupils and professors, making the possible one so that deficient the auditory one if feels as integrant part of the classroom. However, if he does not have to forget that the professor presents resistncias in its certainties how much to the educative changes in the context of the inclusion. The way to cover must be to suppress the difficulties in materialize a new model of education that satisfies the necessity of all (IT HISSES, 2008).
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