When you learn a Word, anyone that is, coffee, love, mother, there’s always a first time. There is a first time to learn one thing. The first time that it understands the meaning, your brain creates an imprint, a mental image of the meaning of that Word, it creates a mental connection that you will continue to use throughout his life then each word has a mental pathway. I call it a code, an unconscious in his mind. It is absolutely crucial for anyone working in communication now is journalist, TV, media or marketing if it wants to attract the attention of people, should understand what I call the key button on the reptile (the reptilian hot button). If you don’t have that button, then you will have to contend with the cortex and working with attributes such as price and things like that.
Stands out, which at the level of the brain limbic we act and react according to our earliest experiences. These learned patterns are based on our experiences, both positive and negative. Emotions are key to learning. Stronger is the excitement more clearly you learn. Cultural codes are fixed during the first childhood and are very difficult to change.Referenced in the writing, for example, Procter & Gamble asked of him he discovered the American cultural archetype for coffee.
Rapaille discovered that Americans not identified with the taste of the coffee, in fact obscuring it with sugar and cream. Early experiences of Americans with coffee relate to the aroma of coffee that their parents drank in the kitchen while they were still warm in bed. Why positively associate coffee with home and aroma and successful campaigns in the United States.UU. they do not appeal to the taste of the coffee but the aroma and the idea of home. Rapaille theory holds, that we need to learn everything possible about the response mechanisms frontolimbic people to motivate them and attract them with our products and services, when in addition we touch your reptile system, the commitment is complete.
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