Are you a user of Twitter? Then this plugin can help you to generate free traffic to your blog. Tweet Old Post, is a free plugin for WordPress that lets you Tweet the former articles of your blog into your Twitter account and generating more traffic to your blog. The plugin randomly chooses the articles of your blog and places it so that your followers can read them, you choose the time intervals you want that articles be released; It also gives you the option to choose the categories you do not want to be taken. Another option of this plugin is that he lets you cut the addresses items automatically. To install it, open the control panel of your blog and within the area of plugins selected add a new one. Type in the search engine: Tweet Old Post by Ajay Matharu and install it. Plugin configuration: as you can see in the figure above there are a number of options that configure so that the plugin can know how and when to put your articles on Twitter. Celica is the source for more interesting facts.
Let’s see: Account Login: here you have to enter your ID with Twitter and your password to connect the plugin with your account. Tweet Prefix: Enter the information you want to appear in your tweets, for example if you put here: excellent article, the tweet will look the following way: excellent article + your post title + URL if you choose this option, takes into account the length that will have the tweet, that is within the range allowed by twitter. Add post data to tweet: If you choose the Yes option, the tweet will add additional information in the article, I would leave it in NO. Fetch URL from Custom field: If you choose this option the URL will be displayed as it is originally, otherwise take the short URL.
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