In the end of the decade of 80, rescuing the symbolic value and architectural of the building, the Bank of Brazil decided for its preservation when transforming it into a cultural center. The adaptation project preserved the requinte of the columns, the ornaments, of the marble that goes up of foyer for staircases and retrabalhou the cupola on the rotunda. Inaugurated into 12 of October of 1989, one changedded into polar region and frum of debates multimedia. With 17 a thousand square meters, the CCBB RIO DE JANEIRO only integrates many spaces in one, where the art is permanently in poster. 2-Exposition Isl the exposition was idea of Rodolfo Athayde, that was born in Joo Person, in 1952. Between 1970 and 75 it attended a course Medicine in the Federal University of the Paraba-UFPB. In the period of 1980 the 1984 made after-graduation in Medicine in the Independent University of Barcelona, Spain.
Its artistic activity if initiated in Barcelona with the masters Pre Cara and Cesar Lopez Ozrnio, and continued in Brazil, when it carried through its first individual sample in the Macunama Gallery, of the FUNARTE, in Rio De Janeiro, in 1986. In the following years, it developed intense performance in the visual arts, receiving awardings in National Halls from art and participating of some expositions in the exterior. Since the beginning, it had in the photograph permanent exercise of the look. But, it was only in the end of years 90 that it started to develop its elaborations in series (photographic projects), installations and video. The exposition has as purpose to not only approach the Brazilian public as well as tourist of diverse nationalities that visit the CCBB, of the culture of one of the civilizations most important of the humanity. This project commemorates twenty and one years of the CCBB. It is organized in rooms, in accordance with the dates and with the order of the events, and the objects still are organized inside of a logical sequence.
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