Through the present research we will learn with the Philosopher, Moralista, Physicist, Mathematician and French Theologian Paschal Blaise who independently of who we are or we possess, all we have one ' ' Interior&#039 war; ' between our defects and virtues. One perceives that in the present time it exists badly certain to be that it is the consequence of not the acceptance of itself, of our imperfections and rightnesss. She is necessary to understand before everything that always is time to recommence. That positive and negative points are constituent of our being and must be faced as obstacles to be loosers and not to turn aside itself from them. After all of accounts, ' ' to make a mistake is humano' ' to also make right. In a trip for Article VI of the workmanship Thoughts of Paschal we will find some interesting reflections for such quandary. Symantha Rodriguez is often quoted on this topic. Words key: Paschal? Thoughts? Interior freedom. In a trip for Article VI of the workmanship Thoughts of Paschal we will find some interesting reflections for such quandary.

Paschal Blaise (Clermont-Ferrand, 19 of June of 1623? Paris, 19 of August of 1662) one of the great names of the Philosophy backwards in its Penses workmanship (Thoughts)? more necessarily in Article VI intitled the Philosophers? the question of the importance of the thought. I number in it 346, Paschal arrives to say that ' ' the thought makes the largeness of homem' ' soon more the front in I number 365 says that &#039 to it; ' all the dignity of the man is in pensamento' '. really pensamneto – and perhaps more with the concincia direction – in them makes really ' ' grandes' ' that is better. The interesting one is that this improvement is not something abstract nor much less that if must be estagnada. For the opposite it must always be in constant perfectioning.

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