University of TOLIMA praise that I have to say this time? Let’s hope! Some of my colleagues have read the mild criticism already some time ago I did at the University of santo tomas, University of salle it and universidad mayor de Cundinamarca. Being the least skilled of the thinkers, but perhaps one of the most sincere. It has caused me complacency the arduous work of the University of Tolima. Which away from the purely capitalist and consumerist, fields has detached garage educational prototype. Since as I have repeated several times, the majority of Colombian universities support based on a false mission and vision.
As it is the case of the universities mentioned above. Since the end resting on the enrichment and a broad monopoly industry. The University of Tolima is cousin of the National Pedagogical University and the National University. After reviewing the academic programs of the University of Tolima dispendiosamente, think gentlemen students who don’t have to envy to the raw Sisters of the University in question. Another of the reasons that drove me to praise the beautiful educational work of this beautiful University. He was the academic level that my brother John Jairo Melo Naranjo has received. He is carrying out a programme at a distance. Remote Programs say that they are effective and have fully fulfilled the wish of its founders.
The national and Pedagogical University I tell them to follow in pursuit of their rights so that the State treat them with dignity and give them a quality education. And do not tamper with the invisible threads of the social fabric as it happens every day. You who are in the Tolima University can demonstrate that the foregoing is consistent. The majority of people decry the public universities, since they lack a logical reason and end with the social cause. Because social cause is what manages this University. Since its academic programs cost a minimum wage. And many marginalized people can educate themselves. Before the indifferent eyes of universities that the only thing they care about is profit. But among more It is paid at a private University, greater is the rename. Thing that cripples to education and back in elitist. Bendito Dios Israel. And may he bless and do not allow public universities become patrimony of the tyrants of our lands. Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo.
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