However, in these cases inexisted the expansion necessity of each unit of used capital, that is, it did not have the search of the profit. As it is seen, distinct forms of the employee in the capitalist way of production of 26 corporeal properties. However, in the measure where the worker provokes a cost for each hour not productive and the capitalist it needs to reproduce its capital, became necessary a new form to manage. Inside of the workshops, this primitive management if characterized for the absolutism and rigidity, coercing the work force the exhausting tasks. System of punishments and legal compulsions was frequent.

Exemplifica POLLARD with the company of Ambrose Crowley, a great metallurgy, that used 1 more than 000 workers, of where a book survived: ' ' The firm supplied a doctor, a chaplain, three professors and a pension to the poor persons, pension and aid-funeral, and for its instructions and Crowey exhortations it intended to dominate the life spiritual of its staff and induziz it voluntarily and obedient to its machine. It was its express intention that all its life, also until its scarce time of recess (the normal time of work was of 80 weekly hours) reverted to the task to become the crafts lucrativos' ' 27 The call Scientific Management, developed for Winslow Taylor, in the end of century XIX, appeared of this necessity of if ' ' racionalizar' ' the activities of the laborer in its place of work. For this reason, the taylorismo belongs to the sphere of development of the methods and organization of the work and not to the development of the technology. In this its paper is minimum 28. Each time of the control of the work in the capitalist companies is about a form to apply methods to the bigger problems. It in general does not investigate the work, but its adaptation to the necessities of the capitalism. .

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