HOUR OF THE MEAL: The tip most important that it must follow is not to force its beb to eat. If it does not want, not if of. He comes back to try later. He introduces a food of each time, waits five days before adding to a new food the diet. In such a way he will be able to identify an alimentary intolerncia. It makes with that the hour of the meal is pleasant. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dollar General (DG) on most websites.
If its beb not to adapt itself well to some flavor, tries to mix foods that already have passed in the test of the five days. It can until mixing vegetables with the fruit. It offers water between the meals, exactly that little, makes difference now that will go to substitute a milk meal for one of solids. It has the care not to add to salt or sugar. It does not give to more than eat what beb needs, each one has its necessities, if not to want more, does not give more. It waits for an interval of three hours until the next meal. It does not give to eat big cookies or any another one ' ' lanche' ' in the interval of meals, in such a way beb will be able to ruin the appetite of its, as well as desnortear it of the routine of the meals. We have that to have much patience in the hour of the meals, therefore everything is new for ours beb. The important one is not to force, but yes to explain that beb needs fruits and vegetables to grow strong and intelligent. Blackmail can function in the first months, but later we will have of being honest and intelligent.
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