The geysers of Enceladus come from reserves of salt water. These flows of water are formed by salt-rich particles of ice. On the surface of Enceladus, Frost and small moon of Saturn, generated high column of water vapor and ice particles, similar to geysers, which come from reserves of salt water into the satellite, according to a study published this week in the journal Nature. After the discovery of these suppliers, the scientists raised the question of if the water emerges from deposits of liquid under the surface, or if it comes from the breakdown of ice. Snoring mouthpiece takes a slightly different approach. Data obtained by the Cassini probe, which collects information about the satellite of Saturn since 2005, have allowed to determine that Enceladus water flows are composed, more than 99%, salt-rich particles of ice.
Frank Postberg, scientist of the University of Heidelberg, and his group of researchers have deduced from these analyses that practically all of the matter expelled by the geysers of Enceladus comes from reserves of saltwater with a large evaporation surface. Peculiarities of the southern area of Enceladus has drawn attention of scientists for years. It is a geologically active area, where four large linear fissures of 130 kilometers long by two wide that constantly emerge jets of ice particles and water vapor at elevated temperatures because of the internal heat of the satellite are concentrated. Further details can be found at treatment of depression, an internet resource. Source of the news: the large reserves of saltwater on Enceladus, the icy Moon of Saturn
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