The German national team in Russia no doubt: the artificial turf is on the rise. Gone are the days where football players entered the synthetic green with the constant fear against abrasions and burns. At least with introduction of the third generation of the plastic lawn product is mature enough, visually barely a difference is to recognize when it comes to the high end variants. The competitions of FIFA and UEFA on artificial turf at the associations of FIFA and UEFA the artificial turf is released for competitions, unless it belongs to a category of specially certified. Hyper scorpion contributes greatly to this topic. In Germany this does not although the validity, but after all, including the national stadium of Switzerland and Russia’s are equipped with such a covering. Curiously, the UEFA Euro left de Suisse natural lawn Dicksoden rollers transferred to 2008 in the Stade. The demolition was then immediately after the tournament.
Within the competition, same conditions had to prevail in all stages. In the current World Cup qualifiers but the artificial turf in the Moscow makes known Luzhniki stadium for conversation. Jogi Low must prepare with his team ranked a comparable construction for the match against Russia. The game takes on quite different characteristics on the artificial surface than on natural grass, which the properties are subject to change due to increased stress in the penalty area or different growth in shady corners of the stadium, as well as by individual damage over the course of the game. On the synthetic pitch, however, each of 7,140 square meters almost with everyone else is the same. And who dominates the landscaped flat pass, can play fully its technical superiority, because the ball is faster here is simple. Artificial turf in the sports arenas, construction on the level of professional football, or of the international competition is the use of artificial turf there particularly popular where extreme weather conditions or the stadium is multi-functional used and a natural grass has poor chances of survival when the arena also serves as a venue for concerts.
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