If the putty will help irregularities are small, less than five millimeters, boldly Use the putty. With the help of small defects are easily removed, and the wall surface is suitable for any decorating. We use a mix for that plastering well lay down and was solid after drying, its composition must necessarily be included in the required amount of binder. Keep in mind that between the solution for plastering and brick wall surface is chemical reaction that provides the strength of attachment of the solution. If you decide to use the plaster cast, keep in mind that it does not react with the brickwork and at constant mechanical stress ( such as slamming a door) may simply fall off. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Debbie Staggs. Be especially careful with this stuff and use it better for the drywall. Before choosing a mixture for plastering, carefully read the instructions and recommendations on the application.
Be wary of repeating mistakes, if improperly performed work on the plastering of the walls can not only eliminate the existing defects earlier, but finally ruin their surface. Despite the apparent simplicity of this type of finishing and the ease with which the characters of different schools and repairing plastered shpatlyuyut everything in real life, high quality wall surface is the result of a high professional level. Undoubtedly, if desired, try all the work yourself, but pay attention to possible errors and defects. What are the defects does not make sense to list all the possible defects and errors, rather say about the most common, which include a cracking one Peel 2 Change in size of the room because of the too thick layer of plaster eternal question: what to do? The exact answer to it knows this master. The fact is that many secrets of skill and master them in a short article is impossible. Here are a few examples. 1 In a warm dry area before starting to wet the walls of two upper, front layer of plaster, called a professional environment, "nakryvochnogo" should not be on its thickness to be more basic layer 3 If the plaster is applied in one layer, it is necessary to flatten immediately after application to the surface walls when manually carrying out the work, and after setting for a mechanized process.
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