Cronometraro complete cycle of one has asked for in one definitive operation not fornecesubsdios to become a good work of Cronoanlise. To divide umaoperao in elements is basic, therefore the analysis very enriches to more aser done on the operation, allowing a study deepened domtodo and consequentemente getting knowledge enough to paramelhorar it. Being more specific, the division of the operation in elements: It facilitates the identification of strange and abnormal elements. It allows to identify wait elements and to quantify them. Tornapossvel to visualize and to mensurar same open assembly times or times de' ' hesitao' ' of the operator, where it can titubear, to vacilar or ficarindeciso, being, therefore, factors of time wastefulness.
It allows to identify the really necessary elements to the operation. A graph of ' allows to create itself; ' paretto' ' to identify which elements they demand more time in the operation. Thus, it inside has many details of the cycle of a part that they can not seridentificados in a cronometragem only of the complete cycle. He is muitocomum to find operators who hesitate when carrying through certain movements, as for example, to catch a washer in a full pot of washers. Not necessrio that the operator loses time looking at for the pot, desperdicetempo of effort of visual concentration, choosing which washer pegarpara later looking at it machine and to feed it again. The pot assimcomo the washers will be always in the same place, the washers is todasiguais (or they would have to be), therefore is not necessary to lose time ' ' olhando' ' for them. Common Tambm the presence of demovimentos abnormal elements that modify the sequence of exaggerated form, as for example, one rebarbadificultando the rabbet of the part in the tool. Same of elementosestranhos as the operator to leave to fall a tool or a componenteno soil.
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